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Access object storage (aws-cli)

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating and configuring your brand-new object storage. Each instance supports unlimited buckets holding both private and public files.

Create object storage

First thing to do is to create the storage instance itself in the object storage view. Select your allowance depending on your needs, in most cases 1TB storage and 1TB transfer is more than enough, this is the smallest plan. Choose a unique name for your storage instance and a region to deploy in, then hit "Create object storage". Wait a few moments for creation to complete and your keys to show up. Your secret key is hidden and will show when you click on the instance in the list.

Configure access

Each storage instance is S3-compatible which means you can use any S3-compatible client to manage your storage and buckets. Storage's also comes with a domain name and TLS certificates for it's default domain, these url's have the following structure: <name-of-storage>.<region>.<provider> Once you create a bucket, the url becomes: <name-of-bucket>.<name-of-storage>.<region>.<provider>

Follow the configuration process for your specific client and install both the keys, do note that you will also need a configuration file that specifies the endpoint for any non aws object storage's. If you use the aws client, your config will look something like this:


[profile amsterdam]
region = ams1
s3 =
  endpoint_url = https://ams.<provider>
  signature_version = s3v4
s3api =
  endpoint_url = https://ams.<provider>



Endpoint url and your keys can all be found in the object storage view.

Create buckets

Now with everything setup you can run:

aws --profile amsterdam s3api create-bucket --bucket <name-of-bucket>

To create your bucket. If everything was configured correctly your bucket will be created with no errors shown. If you want to upload a file and make it public, use the following command:

aws --profile amsterdam s3 cp <filename> s3://<name-of-bucket>/ --acl public-read

For security reasons, all uploaded files are private by default and so is the buckets, if you do not wish to make a file public, simply upload your file without ACL, using same command as above:

aws --profile amsterdam s3 cp <filename> s3://<name-of-bucket>/
Access public file

Your public files is available on the following url:
